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Learn about the main energy resources and modern-day energy systems, spanning from the history of industrial revolution to the technological progress required to achieve carbon-neutrality.
Explore the political and socioeconomic implications of energy policies domestically, regionally and internationally.

The idea of ‘being’ resilient has been a common refrain in the private and public sectors for many years. For much of this time resilience was considered to be a buzzword by many, especially because of the theoretical discussions about its origin, meaning and use.
This modular 10-week course, mixing self-paced and instructor-led interactive learning, is intended as a “master class” for private and public sector actors wanting to understand what resilience is, how resilience can be built in different ways, and under varying contexts, and how resilience ‘thinking’ can be translated in practice to improve organisation agility and adaptability in the face of diverse disruptions. Closing the gap between theory and practice, the course will cover the history and the various meanings of “resilience”, the principal theoretical models, as well as practical strategies and means to develop, implement, measure and report resilience in a consistent manner in any organisation.

Become a geoeconomics analyst with this interactive online programme offered by the Global Academy